La asignatura forma parte del compendio de materias que formará profesionales lo cual es de suma importancia dentro del perfil del profesional de hoy día. La metodología estará basada en el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades fundamentales: lectura, escritura, comprensión oral y hablada. Para alcanzar el perfil del egresado se aplicarán las siguientes actividades didácticas, apoyadas por los recursos del entorno a nuestra disposición: Lluvia de ideas, demostraciones, pequeños grupos de discusión, exposiciones dialogadas, laboratorios, foros, prácticas en el aula, y tareas. La evaluación incluye actividades cualitativas y cuantitativas, involucrando otros factores que se establecerán según criterios de participantes y facilitadores.
This course is an introduction to field of language acquisition. It aims at introduction the students to the major concepts in fields of child language acquisition, and bi/multilingual acquisition. It discusses the different factors that influence the acquisition process as age, the linguistic environment, cognition, the social context, motivation, and aptitude.
Upon completing the course students will be able to
- show a clear conception of various theories in second-language acquisition
- show a deeper knowledge of how methods in second-language acquisition have developed and changed
- demonstrate awareness of research and research methods in second-language acquisition
- assume an academic position in relation to primary and secondary material
- actively and independently participate in seminar discussions.
The module provides students with in-depth knowledge of both theory and methods in second-language acquisition (English). Moreover, students learn to critically judge new teaching methods and learning strategies in second-language acquisition. The module also familiarises students with research and research methods in second language acquisition.
Group sessions. Instruction, class discussions, and examinations are in English. All teaching materials are in English.
Students are examined in the form of oral presentations, written assignments, and a written home essay. Grades are fail, pass, or pass with distinction.
Students who fail a regular examination will be offered a make-up examination within a reasonable period of time after the regular examination.
- Teacher: Irlanda Beitia
- Teacher: Cynthia Tejada